where to get an agent for acting

if we shadows have offended, think but this,and all is mended. that you have but slumbered here, while these visions did appear. thoseare lines from midsummer night's dream, one of puck's final monologues, and one of myfavorite roles to date. hi, i'm janice creneti. i'm director of the girlstories theater projectin tampa bay, associated with powerstories theater, and i'm here to talk to you today,about how to find an acting agent. i work

where to get an agent for acting

with a lot of young people, who are thinkingabout pursuing acting as a career, and one of the first questions they have, is shouldi get an agent, and if so, where do i start to look? well, there is a couple of thingsthat you need to think about. first of all, you want to consider what sort of acting,are you primarily looking to do? are you interested

in film? television? maybe you want to dothe commercial route, maybe you're more interested, in something that's more like modeling, ormaybe you're looking to do live theater. think about the types of acting, that you're interestedin, and then make sure as you're talking to an agent, that you're finding somebody whohas experience, in that particular type. second of all, you want to find out, where are theacting agencies in your area? now, that can be a little tricky, because here's a secret.the good agencies aren't really advertising. you see, they've got so much talent, thatthey're not usually looking for new faces. you might have to go find them. google searches,or again, joining a local acting network, where you could meet some agents, or talkto other actors, who actually have agents.

another option, is to look out for what theycall showcase auditions, or league auditions, where you actually go, and audition in frontof a large group of directors and agents, and they can get to know a little bit moreabout you, and see if they might be interested. there is something that you want to be awareof, when you're looking for an agent. a good agent is going to make money, when they getyou work. that's what they do. if you are talking to an agent, who suggests a trainingthat you have to take, a program that you have to go through, especially if it's a reallyexpensive program, you want to be aware of that, because that agent is really just lookingto fund their school, or their program, and not necessarily looking to get you work. agood agent doesn't ask for a lot of money

where to get an agent for acting,

upfront, so know what type of acting you wantto do, pound the pavement, get to know some people. go to some league auditions, whereyou can meet a lot of different faces. make sure that you're ready with an audition, whenyou finally get an agent, and they call you up, and say, come on in. i'm janice creneti,and this is how to find an agent.

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