let's talk about how to study for the acttest. some people say that you can't prepare for it but that is definitely not true, guaranteedthat's definitely not true. there's a couple ways to go about studying for the act test.first there's books. you can buy books in general that look at the whole test or youcan buy books that look at specific sections if you really want to focus on certain parts.when you get an act prep book, what you're
looking for is a combination of concepts andstrategies. you want a book that teaches you the concepts you need to know for the testand reviews things you're rusty on. and you want a book that goes over strategies thataddress that particular test. because a standardized test, there's certain tools you can use toget more questions right, tricks even you
might call them. so you want a book that doesthose two. and you want the concepts is very, very important because you would think thatthe act covers everything you've learned since you were a kid, but its not true. the actreally focuses on certain things. when they write the questions year after year afteryear, they keep asking the same questions over and over again whether its math or readingor science or english. so you want to make sure that you've got you know what's on thattest and that you're going to address those particular concepts because there is no timeto restudy everything you've learned since you were a kid. so we want to study particularlythe things that are on the test and we want to use the strategies. so books are one option,the other option of course is that you can
take a class or you can hire a tutor to dothat as well. all three are very good. you
studying for the act test,can use whatever you find in your area andwhatever resources you are able to put towards it, but you can definitely, if you put insome energy and you put in some practice time and you're willing to do the work, you candefinitely improve your score whether its through books, whether its through a classor whether it's through a tutor.