hey girlie girls, it's me your girl here withanother makeup tutorial. you know, a lot of people in the commentshave been asking me how do you look so good? i bet you get so many hot men! and obviously i do, because i'm gorgeous. but there are a few tricks, that even if you'reugly like a lot of you are, that you can do
Life (2017) Review, with makeup so if you go to a club or a partyall the men are gunna want to see your [uh oh!] that you obviously have... this makeuptutorial is really easy it doesn't require too many products and i like to call it the[censored] my [censored] makeup. so like i said for the [censored] my [censored]makeup you really don't need that many things.
but obviously the base of any good makeupis gunna be some foundation. so let's start with the foundation. a lot of people use sponges and brushes andthat type of thing but i just like to put it on my hand like that, see! dab it on your face get it in good and justsmear it on there. smear it on like george clooney's c... andthat's looking pretty good, you give good shape here to your makeup, make sure you getunder your eyes. make sure you blend it into your beard!!! okay sluts!
so now that i have my foundation on nice andblended nice and even now we're gonna move onto the really fun part we're gonna emphasizeall those slutty little features on your, on your feminine faces. so i personally, i like to start with my eyeshadowbecause i think it gives a nice base and this is a really nice slutty color, this nice,nice blue. ya know kinda makes you look kinda sickly,like drug addict, heroin addict. dudes love that cuz they're like she's ondrugs, she'll take it in the b... i'm just gonna put that on my eyes like that. i like a lot on the bottom because like isaid, ya know if you're, if you're trying
to look sick, like sick people have dark circlesunder their eyes. that's looking so hot! oh my god! now we're gonna move onto some more emphasis,this is eyeliner, this is what sets apart the sluts from the girls. oh, oh okay. ow. ow! okay and then i'm gonna do a little on my...you can also do your eyebrows.
okay sluts, we're almost there. just a few more things to do and then anydude's gonna want to [censored] your [censored]. so i don't know if you noticed, but i didn'teven use blush. and that's because i do what i want and ihave my own technique. so basically i use spot coverer stuff. i use it to just kind of emphasize and sculptmy face. so you know i put maybe some here, some here,put a little right between my eyes here and this kind of highlights my, highlights mybeautiful eyebrows. and this stuff i think is like crazy toxicbecause i had this horrible rash in my you
know where and i put this on it so that theguy i was sleeping with wouldn't see the rash and it was like gone in like three days itwas crazy! so another good use for this is, is for, rashes...on your [uh oh!], now finally, we have to emphasize those big beautiful lips. now i don't really have a problem with thisbecause as you can see i have big kylie jenner lips right out of the gates, but for you guyswho have like little ugly lips, this is really, really important for you. and basically the trick is like just pretendit's like a little tiny [uh oh!] so you just take it and... and then this is really importantwhen you get up to your top lip you have to
make sure that you lift up your mustache!!! well, that about does it [female dogs] that'smy [censored] my [censored] makeup tutorial. and if you like this tutorial, make sure thatyou like and subscribe to my channel for more tips and stuff and share it with all yourugly friends because i'm so tired of seeing ugly people. and i'll see you next time with more tutorials,and beauty tips and how to starve yourself and stuff like that, so i'll see you nexttime. bye!