why does my acne itch so bad? did you accidentally do a face plant in apoisonous plant like poison oak or poison ivy? no. i just don't want you to mistake an allergicreaction for acne. for example, you could
have acne-like marks because your facial skinis allergic to your laundry soap. i use hypo-allergenic stuff. is there a chance you have bed bugs, and theyare biting you on the face? that would leave big red welts.
smaller bites and a bunch of them could looklike acne. i don't know if that is better or worse thanacne. while it does mean you ought to burn the mattress,hopefully not in your bedroom, it means the problem goes away once you get rid of thebugs. could i be allergic to the sheets? you could be, like an allergic reaction towool. then again, you might be allergic to dust mites in the sheets. i'd be sneezing. it might be causing wheezing in bed, instead.for example, an allergic reaction could be
the culprit if your friends say you snorein bed but not somewhere else. i don't think it is an allergic reaction.but i might have allergies, because i have to use hypo-allergenic makeup and herbal scrubs. there is the possibility you are allergicto the makeup itself or to the herbal stuff you are using. for example, people who usepsyllium tablets for digestive balance and are allergic to ragweed get the runs. i don't think they were planning on a coloncleanse. acne should not itch. that's why i'm focusingon allergic reactions. what could cause itching if it isn't an allergicreaction?
you might have a staph infection in the acne. like mrsa? that is a worse case scenario. i'm thinkingmore like the same staph infections that makes a cut red, itchy and put out pus.
what should i study for the act,what's the treatment? stop scratching, start putting antibioticointment on it, and see the doctor. and if it isn't staph? see a doctor to see what else could be causingit.