i'm evan wainwright and i live in atlanta, georgia. my passion to show the world that people with disabilities are not limited by their disabilities. martin luther king once said, "darkness
cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that." i choose to live in the light. as a result of the seizure that i had at three days old i was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. as a
young child, cp just seems to be a normal part of life. but as the only disabled kid in most of my classes i felt the need to be a good example. this pressure and dependence on my family was both a frustration and a source of motivation. i made the decision to change my future. so when a friend of mine told me about an independent living complex in wichita,
kansas, i jumped at the chance to move. leaving my family and friends to explore a new state where i knew no one was not easy. from day one i had to find support from others to tackle life's most basic needs. but soon, a new me began to emerge. one that embraced people and life. i enrolled in witchita state university to study criminal justice.
i mastered cooking, washing, and getting around. one thing i've learned is that most people still get their information from tv and film. so i decided to relocate to atlanta, georgia to start a career in acting and public advocacy. i also received a new chair that gave me more freedom and independence. i've learned to advocate for the things that i need.
like a new curb-cut on my trek to the grocery store. martin luther king, jr. also once said that "life's most persistent and urgent
start a career in acting,question is: what are you doing for others?" my answer: to shine a light on all the possibilities for people with disabilities.